I could tell you about our Christmas but pretty much the only pictures I took were from this day where we got our tree. I have none at all of Christmas itself.
I could regale you with stories of Cooper's comical basketball team, but I've only seen one game and don't have any pictures of that either. Although it is funny to watch them finally get "called" for things they have been doing for year--traveling, 3 seconds in the key, double-dribbling, stepping over the line when throwing it in. Really only a video could do it justice, but I haven't got that either.
I could tell you of Spencer's high school woes, but that's just a typical teenager story. Plus it would probably just add to his misery knowing it was shared. Suffice it to say, he will survive it all and look back on it in wonder one day just like we all did.
How about Tucker's school and employment constant
changes for a topic of conversation. No, that's not really anything new either.
So lest you think life is all dull and uninteresting for me, here's proof that you can be surprised. Dennis spent this past week in Florida, which he pretty much does annually. On Friday, the day he was returning I got this lovely arrangement at work. The funny thing was, when it was delivered I was on the phone and ignoring it. Imagine my surprise when my co-worker looked at the tag and brought over to my desk. I was still wondering who could have sent me flowers (it's true). When I read the card I almost started crying. See Dennis rarely sends flowers (can't even remember the last time) so when he does send them it is always surprising and that makes it all the more special.
Maybe I do feel like I don't have anything interesting going on right now. The reality is while it may not necessarily be interesting, I've got everything. At least everything I need and that's what really matters.