Saturday night before Easter I looked out the window at my flowering plum tree as the sun was setting and the tree just looked amazing. I ran out to get a photo. It was hard to get a good shot because the wind was blowing pretty hard but I think I still managed to get some cool shots. I always love the spring when all our trees flower up like this!
This first shot was with the fish eye turned on on the camera. I thought it was kind of cool.
These next two shots turned out pretty well.
Decorating eggs is still something the boys enjoy. We had to wait until Spencer got home from work so we actually decorated the eggs at 9:30 at night.
I had to include this shot of Spencer because it looks like a bad photo shop of his head on his body when in reality that's just how his head was. I think it's kind of funny.
They LOVE each other so much!
After coloring them, Spencer took a sharpie and drew faces on all of the eggs. These are the ones that were left as of today. I just think they are funny. The first two on the top row are Be and Yonce' which were the first faces he drew. He had names for all of them, but don't ask me what they were
Cooper drew on a couple eggs too, but not many.
Spencer, holding Be & Yonce' (and hamming it up--or is that his natural face?)
I had to get a clos-up of this egg because I think it is rather clever what he did. I guess this little egg has a head injury. I love the spider webbing crack on the egg and the little stick hand up to the head. Too funny!So if you look closely on the counter in the egg decorating photos you will see Spencer hard at work on the concoction he was assembling for "brunch" Easter morning. It was something he saw on Rachael Ray (before she found out she had diabetes I imagine and lost all that weight). Anyway, it's baked french toast with a "praline" topping. It was 20 slices of french bread with an egg mixture of eggs, 1/2 n 1/2, milk, cinnamon...that is poured over the top. You let it refrigerate overnight and the next day you cover it with the praline stuff which is 1/2 lb of butter, pecans, nutmeg and cinnamon. Yes, it WAS rich--but yummy.
So Dennis works with a woman who's husband is a mechanic and just happened to have a 1991 Subaru Legacy wagon that he had been working on. Dennis found out about it and figured it was the perfect car for Spencer.
And it was!! Here he is Easter morning just after getting back from buying it from the mechanic. It was super clean inside and in great shape. The engine was clean and the price was good. Best of all as far as he is concerned--it has a sun roof. He's mostly a happy camper (mostly because he is a little freaked about paying himself back after buying it from his savings and the car insurance. He DOES like not having to walk to school though!
We all went to church together (including Dennis & Tucker) which was nice and then had Easter dinner at Oma & Opa's after. It was a beautiful sunny day as you can see.