Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Cooper's Baptism and stuff

Cooper's baptism was this past weekend and it was a wonderful event for our family. One of the members of the Stake Presidency who I work with called the whole day Chandler Day. And it was. Earlier that day, due to a bit of a mix up, Tucker was ordained to be a Priest by Gary Ard who was the Young Men's president when we first moved into the ward instead of Grandpa. It was a wonderful blessing and I think Gary was very honored to have the opportunity. Then Grandpa Vaden ordained Spencer to be a Deacon and Tucker was able to stand in the circle with all the other men. It was all very moving and wonderful. It was great to have mom, Roberta and Aleta all there to experience it with us. Dennis brought mom to church just in time for the ordinations so he was there too.
The baptism was later in the afternoon. It was totally amazing how many people showed up for it! There were some families from our old ward which was great and lots and lots of people from our current ward, plus many of Dennis' family. There were people standing in the hallway. It was a very good program too. I'd say the best one of all the boys. Our good friend Neal Roche gave a funny and very moving talk about baptism. (If you haven't heard the story of the boys role-playing the story of the Good Samaritan with Neal & his wife Stephanie, ask me to tell it some time--very funny stuff.) Neal did a great job in setting the tone for the program. Next it was Tucker's turn to do the baptism. He stumbled a little bit on the prayer but did get Cooper completely under the first time. (And no, he didn't hold him under til the bubbles stopped as Dennis suggested.) Then we had a muscial number by three very talented teenaged sisters from our ward--a capella! When they heard that Cooper was getting baptized they very excitedly volunteered to sing and they did a terrific job. They sang Nearer My God to Thee. They asked me if they should change it because "Isn't it a funeral song?" I told them "Only in the Titanic!"
The talk on the Holy Ghost was by Cooper's primary teacher, Katrine Wheeler and she also did a very good job. One of the better one's I've heard, complete with visual aides. Then it was Grandpa's turn once again to do the confirmation. It was quite a large circle. It really was a very spiritual event all the way around. I think everyone that was there felt it. Members of the ward had generously provided cookies, cupcakes, brownies and punch. It was so amazing to feel so supported by our ward.
After the baptism all the family plus our friends the Roches (honorary family members) came to our house for dinner. It was a very nice evening but I have to admit to being completely exhausted when I finally sat on the sofa at 9 o'clock that night.
Aleta and the girls stayed until Monday (the girls didn't mind skipping school one day). We had a little craft making session that morning. Around Christmas I learned how to make these snowflake/star/flower things from the art teacher at the school and had them hanging in my window. I had mentioned that one of my young women counselors was planning to use them as a craft project for girl's camp this year. Roberta, Aleta and girls all wanted to learn how to make them so we did. They are fun and easy to make and really look beautiful. Spencer stayed home from school that day too--not skipping, he actually had a fever and cough. (First day he has missed in three years!) So it was a fun morning of crafting the snowflake/star/flower for all. The girls were all excited to teach Aunt Celiac how to make them when she comes to visit them for Spring Break. The bottom picture is one of the snowflakes that is hanging in my window.


crazy lady said...

I was anxious to hear how it all went. Sounds like it was fantastic. It's wonderful that you had all that support. What a great, and exhausting day. Congrats on everything.
I had seen some of those snowflake creations in one of our sports stores here. They had made them pretty large and white and have had them us since Christmas. I actually took one of them down to check out the construction. I'll have to get instructions as well.
Great pics. I can't believe how much Kimberly looks like Aleta in that pic.

Lost Woman said...

Both Bert and Mom commented on how many people were at the baptism. It is so great that Dennis' family comes as a support too.
Sounds like it was really a great day. (although you and Cooper don't look exactly thrilled in the photo) :)
How did Tucker feel about baptising Cooper fresh off of being ordained? I hope it was good for all of the boys too.
Looking forward to learning the snowflake tricks.
I too was shocked at the picture of Kimberly. It is Aleta. I haven't seen her (kimberly) in 2 years so it is weird to see her so grown up.
So glad you had a great day!!

michandler said...

Despite looking like we were on our way to execution, we were having a good time. Tucker thought baptising Cooper was cool. He was nervous but remained pretty composed all in all. I didn't even really look at the photo of Kimberly. She DOES look like Aleta!

oscar said...

So glad to hear it all went well. I love the snowflakes and they look hard to make. Sounds like you had a lot of family there which is great. Tell the boys congrats for us.