What's cool about a Grandma Hall apron you might reasonably ask? Well, there are no strings to tie, it fits easily over your head and covers your clothing well plus it has the added bonus of the roomy pockets. What's extra special about it for me, is that it reminds me of my Grandma Hall who, just thinking about her brings a tear to my eye. It's true. She was an amazing woman who was so many things that I could spend pages and pages talking about her but I won't. I'll simply say that I look forward to the day when I will be able to sit down with her in eternity.
I will also think about Crazy Lady of course who is also an amazing woman that would take pages and pages to describe adequately. It will also remind me of how much I have been blessed in my life to be surrounded by amazing women. My mom, all my sisters, my grandmothers (yes both of them), my aunts, my nieces, my moth
er-in-law and sisters-in-law, women from my church, women from my children's school, women from my mission...you get the idea. There have been so many amazing, talented, interesting, wonderful and beautiful women in my life and I feel blessed to be able to count so many of them as sisters, family and friends.
Why should an apron remind me of women? Isn't that an old-fashioned, anti-feminist notion? Maybe so. But I have to say that some of the best, most profound and interesting conversations I have had with women have come around the preparation of food. There's something about working together like that which sparks conversations. There is a bond that develops as you work side by side.
Of course, the Grandma Hall apron is not only for women as Tucker shows here. It also looks quite fetching and manly on men (or almost men). Even ones wearing skinny jeans!
Now if you are interested, you can check out our recent weekend at the Cupcake Cabin on Camano Island. Always a good time with our friends. One of the boys favorite places to visit--especially when the Roches come with us. Just click on the link: http://picasaweb.google.com/MisteChandler/CupcakeCabinMay2008?authkey=a8mvC_OZMtw
I'm so glad you liked the apron. I have one cut out for Bert but not yet sewn...But I have a few months til it's her B-day. Thanks for your kind comments.
I actually spend part of almost everyday in one of those aprons now. I have saved many an outfit because of them (not all because I am blessed with a major mess gene that at times goes beyond the reach of the all encompassing G Hall apron). I agree with your comments about women (in or out of aprons).I rely on so many other women in my life and it's great to have a second, third or fourth opinion on just about anything. (I just keep asking til I get the one I like:0)
Tucker DOES look kind of fetching. Though I'm guessing he won't wear it anywhere outside of the house.
This made me think of my grandma Davis (My mom's mom). She had an apron like that, too. I can picture her canning peaches while wearing it. Something about those grandmas...they can have such an influence on us. I'm grateful for all the women who surround me in my life, too. Enjoy your lovely apron :)
i LIVE in the grandma hall apron during the school year. one student said he couldnt recognize me without it. i dont think bert has one yet, but it sounds like crazy will take care of that. i have quite a selection and hope to have even more as i go through a couple a year with the acids and all. happy birthday from bella italy. if i recall we celebrated you 17th? in italy?? buon compleanno!!
Great apron. I'm sure you will put it to good use. And I hope you had a great day. Everyone should be nice and treat you like a queen on your birthday, just ask Kenna
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