Friday, September 4, 2009

The Cat Came Back...But The Trooper Didn't

Who can blame Kabuki, the psycho kitty, for taking the tempting opening placed before her? When her family left her for a week vacation in Idaho and left the boys' bedroom window gaping wide open, what formal feral kitty wouldn't leap at the chance for freedom and jump out the window despite the two storey drop?? Then why not enjoy that new found freedom for oh, let's just say, about a month & a half, causing the aforementioned careless family to give you up for dead. Then let's say after the freshness of the all night partying has worn off and you are feeling a little bit hungry you decide to head for home. Wouldn't you know, some would-be good Samaritan finds you just outside your family's house with your leg stuck through your collar looking like a concentration camp kitty and decides to turn you into an emergency animal shelter. There some kindly attendant notices that the collar, which formerly had your leg stuck through it, has a tag with your name & phone number on it. She calls the family after 10pm at night to let them know you have been found. The message for one reason or another is not received until later. At 7am the next morning your contrite owner picks you up from the shelter and is given the advice that perhaps you should be taken to your regular vet. Given your emaciated, flea-covered condition, your owner wishes you had a regular vet to be taken to. However, seeings how you didn't, she takes you to the one closest to home.
Now your life hangs in the balance. Resusitating you will be $$$, so mom tries to call dad for advice. Luckily for you, dad is not available and mom just doesn't have the heart to approve termination. So you get to have vet care and I.V.s for two days. Even after all that your prospects are still somewhat iffy. You come home painfully thin and barely able to stand. How you progress over the Labor Day weekend will determine your longterm life prospects. But so far, Kabuki the psycho kitty seems to be getting better each day.
As for the Trooper, that's Tucker's car. He took it on a camping trip with friends to the Oregon coast this past week where it peacefully succumbed to transmission failure. Sadly, it now rests-in-peace in a junk dealer's "lot" in Lincoln City, OR. (That's the short version of the story). The free car turned out to be not such a great deal after all.
This week will go down in history as the week of Kitty & Car Trauma!


wallymom said...

Bummer about the car and the cat. Hope the rest of the week goes much better.

Lost Woman said...

Well, some things are just short lived and other long.

Seems the car had a short life, while the cat has the proverbial many.

For a cat that isn't that endearing it sure has some investment!

crazy lady said...

I remember a VERY similar state with Moose several years ago. I DId get a hold of Chuck and he said we couldn't go the surgery route entailed. I called the vet back in tears. A half hour later they called back and said" Well, we could try this..." Moose is still with us. 16 years and still mousing, carousing and very much a Tom. Hope your cat comes through as you would like. Sorry to hear about the Trooper, but he had a couple of months eh?

jo said...

So sad about the car...good while it lasted :)

As for the start to understand from where the saying "nine lives" comes. We have SO many cat stories in my family. Cats come and go around "the farm" BUT some definately seem to defy all odds....We had a cat named Cody who was born without a leg, got half his tail smashed in the garage door and it would never go straight again, and lost an eye cat fighting with the wild cats out in the orchard, and was still walking around to tell about it all...Oh, cat stories :)

The Desiree said...

Wow, I am liking this cat. He is testing you to see how much you love him. It turns out you do!