Thursday, November 21, 2013

Goalie Man!

All three of the boys have played soccer since they were about 6 years old.  Tucker played a little in high school and Spencer gave it up in middle school for running (good decision for him.  Cooper has also followed in his brother's footsteps with soccer.  When he was really little (back when the kids clumped around the ball like a hoard of bees) he loved to play goalie and was pretty good at it.
When he started playing for his second team he mostly played defense and was not put in as goalie for a few years.  (I don't think the coach realized he was a goalie).  Then about 3 years ago the coach started playing his as goalie and I sent him to a few goalie camps during the summer and spring break.  And next thing you know, we had a real goalie in the family!
 I have not been to alot of his games this year (because they have been on Sunday*) and I keep forgetting to have Dennis take the camera.  These pictures are courtesy of one of the other players' mom.  As you can see, he is willing to sacrifice himself for a save.

He hopes to try out for the Ballard team next year.  His coach says he is one of the best goalies in the league we are in (some of the opposing players he goes to school with have also said the same) and is encouraging him to tryout.    He does a great job and is fun to watch.

*Lest you think I let him off the hook for church he had to go to one of the other wards and his dad took him and went to sacrament meeting--so it actually had an added bonus.  Though Sunday games are done for the season and we are in the playoffs now so we will have to think of some other reason for Dennis to come to church.  :-)


Lost Woman said...

That is such a great shot of him lunging for the ball!
He is a trooper to do that job. A trooper with great reflexes and instincts apparantly!

The Desiree said...

He must have quick reflexes! Pretty dang impressive!
Also impressive the dedication it must take for all of you, especially going to church later(;

crazy lady said...

Those are nice shots! How kind of the mom to share. He looks like he is on top of things - literally. Sports can be a good way to develop skills. And it's great that he is working on his. Glad he (and the old man-I can say that cause I'm older than him:0) are making it to church. There are some things they can develop there too.