Yes, that is snow on my bleeding hearts and it is almost May in Seattle!! I know for some of my blog readers the thought might be "Snow in April? What's the big deal?". Well, it is the latest it has snowed in Seattle since they began keeping records. Friday evening around 5pm it started to snow, not just a light, skimpy fall but a full force, big flake, snowfall. Amazing. You can see from the snow on the car that it was coming down. There was a baseball game going on across the street which continued until there was a very bright flash (lightening) and then a very loud crash of thunder. I am sure the lightening must have struck very close in the neighborhood somewhere because I have never heard thunder here that loud before. You've never seen such a fast exodus of players and fans alike from the baseball field. It is a very odd thing to have snow at this time of year. Of course the snow didn't stick around too long, but then we had a snowfall again on Saturday. It didn't stick either luckily. We had hail today and the weather is supposed to be cool until Wednesday. Weird weather. The rest of the world may be experiencing global warming but I guess we are getting global cooling. It has been a pretty wacky winter and spring here. I wonder what summer will bring??
That bleeding heart picture is cool!
Snow in April in Seattle is quite strange. The boys must have been sad it didn't get them out of a day of school.
We have had a blessedly cool spring in Tucson too. (which means 80s instead of 90s)
I'd still rather be in your snow!
Weird weather indeed! We have been having quite a bit of the on again, off again, weather here as well, though snow in April is NOT such an oddity here. I have always been mystified about the whole snow, thunder and lightening phenomenon. It just seems wrong to me somehow, perhaps because it occurs so seldom?
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