This is Spencer with his cousins Emma and Kelly on Christmas Eve. They are great pals and have lots of fun together. Kelly is a Freshman at the UW and Emma is a Senior in HS. They made a fun little scavenger hunt for the for the three youngest boys to do on Christmas Eve.
Cooper on Christmas morning. He LOVES penguins as I think I have mentioned before. He also recently celebrated his 10th birthday (12/21).
Spencer loves Christmas. I think he pretty much wrapped every present--even some for himself. He is always asking "got anything to wrap??" I think he liked it this year. He didn't get all 37 things on his list (of course) but he got a few.
Your boys look fairly content for Christmas day.
How nice to have a happy wrapper in the bunch. I remember enjoying wrapping for about 2 presents each year, then it got old.
Glad your day was nice.
ps. The dog on the sled part is my favorite of the Grinch too!
Oh, how this post dates me!! The last time I saw sweet little Emma, she was not even two yet. Yikes!! Super cute! Sounds like it was merry for all!
Fun, Fun, Fun!!
I sure could use the wrapper boy. I remember WAAAYYYYY back in the day when I enjoyed wrapping things. Now, I pretty much resent the whole waste of time, materials and energy. Yes. I AM just fine with the gift given to me in a plastic bag.
With that said. I DO appreciate the time and talents of those who DO put some effort into wrapping. I'm just getting old I guess. I much prefer watching one year olds tear into the paper and ribbons.
Looks like a very nice time was had by all... Well, of those pictured.
Did Dennis get a lump of coal or what?
(By the by - Miss Kelsey really loves the watercolor.)
Beautiful....Millie (Ohio)
Looks like a very nice Christmas! How nice to have someone who WANTS to wrap up the presents....jelous and hoping for one of my own someday.
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